
Perhaps the most important ability of a journalist is being able to sit down in a 1-on-1 environment with a source and be able to get valuable information from them most efficiently and effectively. ‘

The Interview Process

  • Research your interviewee, develop a clear list of questions, and anticipate potential follow-ups to steer the conversation toward uncovering valuable information.
  • Craft clear, concise, and open-ended questions that encourage the interviewee to elaborate and provide insightful responses. Active listening and following up on interesting points they make are key to a productive interview.
  • Establishing rapport with your interviewee fosters a comfortable and trusting environment. This encourages them to feel open and willing to share their perspectives freely.

Key Aspects

  • The interview landscape encompasses diverse formats. For example, informational interviews aim to gather factual information, while profile interviews delve into an individual’s background and experiences. Investigative interviews require a more probing approach to uncover potential wrongdoing or hidden truths.
  • Phone interviews or video conferencing tools offer flexibility, while some journalists might utilize online platforms for written Q&A sessions. AI can also allow for transcription as well, but it ultimately comes down to what the journalist prefers.
  • You hold the responsibility of being transparent with interviewees about the intended use of their quotes. Obtaining informed consent and ensuring quotes are used accurately and within context are paramount principles of ethical interviewing.

Once you’ve understood the background and context of your interviewee, pivot towards asking open-ended and detailed questions. These inquiries should seek to uncover specific information, facts, and things relevant to the subject matter.

For example:

  1. What are the pivotal details or notable incidents associated with this subject?
  2. Could you elaborate further on the mechanics of this process or the factors influencing this decision?
  3. What are the main aims or objectives of your organization or your role in addressing this issue?