Press Release

On one hand, it can be a valuable source of information about newsworthy events, product launches, or company announcements. On the other hand, poorly crafted press releases can be self-serving and time-consuming to wade through.

See a press release example from Ryne Ryskoski here

What is a Press Release?

A press release is an official statement issued by a company, organization, or public relations firm to announce news or information to the media. They are typically distributed to a ‘media list’ of journalists, bloggers, and other media outlets relevant to the topic at hand. The goal is to generate media coverage and public awareness.

Anatomy of a Press Release

  1. Headline – A clear and concise headline that captures the essence of the announcement and grabs the journalist’s attention.
  2. Dateline – Identifies the location and date of the release.
  3. Lede: A summary of the most important information, answering the who, what, when, where, and why of the announcement.
  4. Body Paragraphs – Provide additional details, quotes from key figures, and background information to support the main news.
  5. Boilerplate – A short paragraph at the end containing information about the issuing organization.

The Value of Press Releases

  • News Source
    • Press releases can be a starting point for journalists to uncover potential stories and gather information about newsworthy developments.
  • Time-Saving
    • Well-written press releases can save journalists time by providing readily available details and potential interview subjects.
  • Diverse Topics
    • Press releases cover a wide range of topics, allowing journalists to stay abreast of industry trends and developments across various sectors.