How to Use Active Voice in Journalism

In journalism, clear and concise writing is essential. Active voice injects energy and clarity, ensuring your message resonates with readers. It prioritizes the subject performing the action, making sentences more direct and engaging. This guide will equip you with the knowledge to transform your writing from passive to powerful, focusing on the benefits of active voice like clarity, engagement, focus, and strength. However, remember that passive voice still has its place, and the guide explores when it might be the better choice.

Hooking the Reader: Tips for a Powerful Introduction

In today’s digital world, journalists need to grab readers fast. Concise and impactful hooks are key. Here’s why: short introductions respect reader time, establish the who, what, when, and why with clarity, and set the pace for the entire article. By focusing on the most newsworthy element, using active voice and strong verbs, and ruthlessly cutting unnecessary details, you can craft introductions that are both informative and engaging